Just pick a device and choose from a diverse mix of mockups.

These kinds of mockups are ideal if you need to present your marketing materials or visual contents as seen in real world application.

The Mockuuups Studio plugin generates thousands of photography style mockups. Best Figma Plugins To Create Amazing Design And Save Time I have certainly found many of them useful but here are my 11 best Figma plugins to help you create amazing designs and speed up your work. There is a wide range of plugins and tools you can find to help you with your design projects. As more designers and developers make Figma their preferred design tool, we will also see more users contributing plugins and resources to the Figma Community. The Figma Plugins was launched in August 2019 and is growing in popularity. You can read more about our affiliate disclosure in our privacy policy. We get a commission if you decide to make a purchase through our links, at no cost to you. Disclosure: This post may contain affiliate links.